Jun 28, 2009

Great to be 8!

This is our year of great 8's! Lucy had her birthday on the 21st and we had fun celebrating it for several days. She is getting so excited for her baptism. In fact, at the swimming pool yesterday, she was "practicing" I have lots of fun looking back at pictures and remembering our little ones. One of my favorite is our generation picture. She is her great-grandma's namesake. Some of the others I love: We have proof that she really was into princesses once upon a time. This was when she was a "bride. She made her own veil--out of TP I love that Lucy used to smile in her pictures. Lucy is such a joy to be around. She is kind and helpful, she likes to get things done. You can't fool her much anymore--she is a thinker and will call you on things if you aren't careful. We sure love her! Happy birthday, Lucy Lu!


Christie said...

Lucy loves her Grandma... and we loved the pictures