Nov 7, 2010

Halloween Pics

We had a lot of fun seeing the creative costumes for Halloween. So here goes the parade:
Cowgirl, Spiderman, Hermany, ?Rocker girl? and spy?

Christie is a player on the Utah Flash team
Kylie and Tyler who makes for a mean pirate
 Sadly we are missing Ben and James this year 
Hans Solo & "Princess"

The Caveman and his woman

Trav as a Caveman???

Trey, the warrior?

Cute girls

Brody--the pizza

TJ as a Hershey Kiss

Kristy was a vampire lady
Tinkerbell, vampire princess, werewolf, Grecian princess and Josh?
Prettiest flower
Colton, Izzy and Logan
Justyn in his anti picture costume
Fairy, witch and Bren is a cool orange shirt
Lady in big wig!

Can I just say I am giving up on this blog today? I can't make it do anything I want it too.(I can't even adjust the spacing or put families together!!!!--I need a tutorial on blogging!)  At least you can see what everyone else was. Sorry if I didn't guess the costumes right. We did have lots of fun and food and grandpa made some great root beer!


Kimmy said...

im glad you posted everyones pics since no one blogs anymore. Looks like you guys had fun together. Always makes me sad that we are so far away.dang it!