Feb 27, 2011

Fun February!

Wow--we are up to 4 birthdays in February now, thanks to our last two granddaughters. Happy, happy birthdays to you!
John and Laura surprised me with a gift on his birthday, saying it was my birthday too. True, but he fails to realize that his life is my present-- year after year.

I am very proud of him and love to watch him and Laura as parents.
Little Izzy turned two! Liz was pretty creative and made half the cake for Colton and half for Izzy
She is such a sweetheart and gives great hugs.
Daniel celebrated his birthday last week. Kim took him for a quick getaway to San Diego, one of their favorite places. Hope they had a great time.
He is one of the best!
Hard to believe that little Olive is one year old now.
We had a fun party for her last night. She had a Hello Kitty party, with lots of balloons, decorations, table cloth, plates, cups and party hats. There were lots of people here that love her.
All the little girls were just so excited and hovered around her.
She seemed overwhelmed at times, but loved eating cake, opening presents and walking.
Thanks John and Laura for a fun party to celebrate her life.
We love our February birthday people!