Jun 26, 2011

Beautiful 30th

Our 30th grandchild and 17th grandson decided he wasn't going to wait to make his appearance and came almost 4 weeks early on June 20th. But, he was a good size, and is a good eater and is healthy and perfect in every way--and his mom is very glad not to be pregnant anymore. So hurray!
Just like his sister, he came fast, which is great if you don't have an epidural. John said Laura did great. Uncle Jim was on call--convenient--and was at the hospital already when they got there just before 1:00 AM. Little Max Charles was born at 2:14 AM and weighed 6lbs 13oz. He is adorable already

Little Olive took an instant liking to him and is very good at saying Ba-by. They have such a great family

Here he is at 6 days old finally getting to meet grandpa.
We had such fun being at their home. Olive was our entertainment.
We are so thankful everything went so well  for Laura and little Max and for the many hands that helped out caring for Olive. She loved playing with her cousins and is kind of in withdrawal now without all the new play things and attention she was getting. She even wanted to go with us when we left last night. We were so happy! We took her off to Walmart with us and it was so fun. We just wish we didn't live quite so far away.
Congratulations John and Laura! He is adorable!


Kristy said...

Beautiful little man!