Dec 21, 2008

Way to go!!!

The big news this week is that John did it! He finished his 4 year degree and is now officially a college graduate. We are so proud of him. We will have to have a party soon or at least when he does the graduation processional in April. Laura took pity on dad and I last night and cut and colored my hair and gave dad a much needed hair cut. And, they both helped with my Primary project so thank you very much. We are expecting Km and Daniel and family to arrive tonight. We are so excited to have them come. At least we had a break in the snow storms so the roads should be clear. They are going to freeze while they are here! I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. I hope it is a very special day in each of your homes and that we are all filled with a sense of gratitude for this miraculous birth and the sacred mission of our Savior. We love you!


Brenda said...

I hope ou guys are all staying WARM! We about FROZE when we were there in December, but the sking was FUN! The Arizona Sun has spoiled me!

Happy New Year!