Oct 18, 2009


Logan turned a big 6 years old the end of August. He had a very fun day! Logan has been such a fun boy. He was a good, good baby but when he got a little older he loved to give a grouchy face. Thank goodness he grew out of that! He is named after one of his dad's favorite basketball players "Stockton" and if it is a result of that or his dad's love of the game, he has loved it as well. The sad thing was when he got his black eye when he was watching the basketball game! Logan loves his family and is good friends with his brother. He also loves his cousins, crazy hair days, snow, anything that goes fast, super hero's, books and school--for now. Have a happy 6th year Logan--we sure love you!


Kristy said...

Way to go on catching up! I'm the same way with our journaling blog, but at least you've started! Great post, we love our Logan!

Kimmy said...

Cute pics of Logan! Now only 10 more grandkids to go!