How well I remember just over 3 years ago, when I was sworn to secrecy by both Allison and Kristy, when both discovered they were pregnant. And how fun it was when I realized that their babies would be due very close to each other. So, after they found out about each others "secret", the race was on so to speak. How fun it was to get the calls after the ultrasounds and find out that both babies were girls. Who would have guessed that circumstances would happen so that these two little girls would be born the same day, in the same hospital, just hours apart from each other. What a fun memory that was, and how fun it is for these girls to share this birthday. We love our two little girls!
Nov 29, 2009
Alyssa turned 3 years old in November and what a grown up 3 she is! She didn't seem to be in too big a hurry to get born that day, but seems to be in a hurry to keep up with every one now that she is here.
The first time we saw her, she wasn't too impressed with her grandpa.
so grandma got the job, and loved it
Her family loved having a new baby again and begged for turns
Blessing day--beautiful Alyssa
Alyssa was a fun baby!
It has been fun to see the interaction between her and Gracie as they got older
Lyssa loves shoes!
She also loves to mix and make things--with water especially...
and she loves to perform--whose child is she anyway!
She especially loves her mom!
We are so thankful for little Alyssa. She can wrap you around her heart!
Happy Birthday Lyssa! We love you!
Posted by Beverly at 3:45 PM 1 comments
Little Gracie was born first on the 16th and weighed in pretty tiny. But she was perfect. Her family was so excited and the twins and big brothers were so anxious to help.
Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit to see the new babies
Blessing day--she looked so beautiful
This was at a visit to grandma's
Halloween witch
With grandpa again
First birthday
Growing up and having fun
Dad makes sure she is adventurous
Gracie and Alyssa doing hair
Grace is a very sweet girl and will always give hugs. She loves her family and her cousins also. She is learning to help her mom with everything. She loves being a girl along with princesses and dress ups and pretend. She loves to read stories! We are so glad she is in our family. Happy Birthday, Gracie! We love you!
Posted by Beverly at 10:47 AM 1 comments
Happy Birthday to Charli! She turned 5 years old in November. I have been trying to keep her and Sydney and Taylor to only 4. They have been quick to remind me.
It was such a fun day when Trav and Allison found out that Charli was going to be a girl. She had 3 big brothers so excited to meet and love her!
And she continues to be loved.
She has been all girl in a boy world and has loved pink and princesses and dress up...
She is happy most of the time and can keep us laughing with all her many antics
She also can hold her own with her brothers. She likes to be doing and creating...
and she loves to play--especially with her cousins
She was so happy when her baby sister came along two years later.
Happy 5th Birthday Charli! We love you!!!
Posted by Beverly at 9:07 AM 1 comments
Nov 22, 2009
Halloween Treats
John and Laura decided we were pretty un-Halloween-y this year so they did the traditional pumpkin carving. It is a good thing cause the pumpkins were the only decoration we had to celebrate this holiday. It was pretty fun to watch them.
We had our Halloween Party on Friday this year. Unfortunately so many of our little ones were sick. What a hard holiday to be sick on! But, we had a few scary and pretty visitors.
Sydney was our Scooby Do--much cuter than the original
Taylor was a Wonder woman
Joshy was pretty scary so I had him take off his mask for this picture
Isaac was something or other???
Our little Gracie was pretty sick so she stayed home, but she was the Little Mermaid
Justyn was at a party, but we got Nicole as a beautiful butterfly--she is really sparkly, which you can't tell by the picture
Jenna was looking so grown up!
And, Bren was another something or other???
Izzie-bell was a beautiful fairy!
Somehow her brothers didn't get pictures this year. I remember I kept telling them I needed pictures, but they were having such fun with their cousins that it didn't get done.
Zach was another something or other??? I really am not good with these super heroes or vampires or villians or whatever they are.
Lucy was pretty funny in her wig. She posed long enough for the picture and then cuddled under a blanket cause she was feeling pretty bad by that time.
Addie was the beautiful Belle
We missed Averie who was really sick and JD who stayed home with dad.
The 3 girls:
And, it wouldn't be complete without the root beer. Thanks Grandpa! It was a fun time.
Posted by Beverly at 11:06 AM 1 comments