Dec 11, 2009

Twin Sisters!

Happy Birthday Sydney and Taylor! They turned 5 years old! We have so enjoyed them. They were hard to tell apart when they were born Kristy had her system, with toe nail polish and ribbon colors--but I could never remember which was which. It has been so interesting to see the interaction between these two sweethearts--even from the beginning. Kristy soon became a pro and handling 2 Their big brothers were a big help also They looked so beautiful on their blessing day If I had to guess, I think this is Taylor--and this is Sydney--but I wouldn't bet on it! More ingenuous ideas They soon had their dad wrapped around their fingers But they still were their mom's little girls! They had and still have such fun with each other Another guess-- Taylor? and Sydney. More fun With brothers at Easter Growing older Swimming fun Halloween fun. Tay-be--LaLa and Syd Now that they are "older" they are harder to get to pose for pictures! They are very busy! They sure love each other and their brothers and little Gracie. She is such a part of their life that we think sometimes they are triplets. We are so thankful they are kind, smart and loving girls. We sure love our little girls! Happy Birthday, Sydney! Happy Birthday, Taylor