Jul 25, 2010

July Celebrations

As you know, we aren't much into doing things on some holidays, well besides catch up on the work projects. But, now that we are tired, we don't do that as much. Well, the real reason is that others invite us to do things so we have something to do! We ended up celebrating for 3 days. On Saturday, Jer and Liz bought us supper and then did fireworks. Colton is already with his ears plugged It turned out to be quite chilly unfortunately. Izzy is all bundled up Logan getting ready to throw one Colton loved the tanks and helicopters . I didn't get any printable ones of Jer and Dad. They were having more fun than the rest of us! The 4th was spent worshiping and remembering the sacrifice of so many for our freedom. Then on the 5th, Christie and Darren family invited us to go to the pool with John and Laura and then a barbecue after. Olive at her first swim JD loves, loves, loves the pool The "boys" Addie and Olive in the spirit of the celebration It was a fun, relaxing day. We also celebrate our July birthdays. Brendan turned 14 already! Here he is, just a couple of days after his birthday, giving Trey a hard time Christie never likes any pictures I take of her--she will never pose, so I know I will be in trouble. I think it is cute of her warning evil eye, but I know I will suffer her wrath! Anyway, Happy Birthday, you two and here is to a great year ahead!


Kimmy said...

I love when you post! IT makes it seem like you arent so far away!