Aug 23, 2009

Reunion Memories

This year reunion was fun as always and will be especially memorable because of the baptism. It was so great to have everyone together. Some of my favorite memories are the wall of tents: Breakfast Hair braiding and fingernail painting The "fights" Swimming & tubing And--ah yes, the naps! It was great to be together for the wedding as well and see all the aunts, uncles and cousins again. Everyone loved the tramp--Laura even did a somersault. The cotton candy was a big hit and kept the kids busy. After the baptism we had a great time at the park along with Darren's family. Everyone loved the root beer--grandpa's specialty. I am still amazed at the basketball game--it was so HOT! We had a great time that evening. The girls loved the crafts, we had a great recycled meal, and a memorable blessing on the food. The favorite time is always the talent show. I am so sad that most of my pictures didn't turn out, but we did get a few. This year taught us a few things--like we want to do it earlier--so we can see everyone and so the law enforcement officers don't have to come and tell us we are disturbing the peace at 11:00 at night. It was great though and we loved to see everyone do their talents. Thanks to everyone for a great memory. I know it always requires sacrifice of time and money and a million other things you could be doing, but it really is one of the highlights of our lives to be together and see and feel of your love for us and each other. I hope we can preserve the memory in our hearts and minds--especially through pictures. Maybe everyone could send pictures to Johnny--hint, hint John--and he could do his amazing thing with them. It would be great. Much love!


Kimmy said...

Good times! I need some of your pictures.