Jun 8, 2008

Saturday night fun

Laura is again sharing her talents. Jer needed a haircut and she graciously accepted the challenge. He wanted it short so he wouldn't have to have it cut so often. It has been so nice that she takes care of us. I don't think we can let them move to Colorado. Hopefully from our point of view it will still be a few years. (Sorry, Laura) While they were there Colton showed me his surprise--no teeth


Kimmy said...

I might have to have her give us all a trim while we are up there. Jer looks happily possessed. Too bad it isnt Christmas for Colton so he could sing the infamous song. Oh how I love that you post pictures of everyone Its so fun to see the stuff we never get to be around for.

Kristy said...

They better not move for a long time! I don't want to find another stylist either!