Aug 2, 2008

Hey, fam! We don't have internet connected yet or the computer moved, so thought I would just jot a note since I won't make the trip here tomorrow--gas prices! Anyway, we are getting settled, but can get lonely in that house without family around. We are hoping to get grass in in a week or two--probably 2 since dad is spreading the mulch this week. Everything else is pretty much done. We did find out that we don't have insulation in part of our house--the whole side of our bedroom and bath. Dad talked to the guys and they are coming on Tues--big mess. Dad told me to be prepared. We will go to the new ward tomorrow. That is always such a daunting experience for me, even if I know some of the people. I know we have several patients in that ward as well. They asked me a year ago when we were moving in. Linda Stoker is the new RS pres and she and Dennis stopped by and visited the other night. Anyway, hope to hear from you all soon. I miss Kim's blog. She is having a hard time getting internet connections. Hope all is well. Sure love you all, Mom