Jul 20, 2008

Eagle Project mania

Saturday was Justyns' eagle project. He was in charge of the food. They cooked burgers and hot dogs, had drinks and chips, a snow cone machine and cotton candy machine. Then there was goodies for desserts. Reed and Allyson will really deserve the pin and tie tack they get! It was a big project and took lots of preparation before hand. We got there late but dad was able to help with the cleanup. He had a great support team, besides his parents. I know John and Laura went to help and Christie and Darren and probably others that I don't know. Allyson's mom kept the girls until the end and Allyson's dad was there the entire project. He looked pretty tired by the end--it was a very hot day. We are proud of him for doing this and it surely benefitted little Emma, who they were raising money for.


Kimmy said...

SO what did they do? And who is Emma?
Geez we just dont ever get to be a part of the action living out here.